You’re already,
- Sipping from the fountain of youth, eating tomato puree and carrot soup
- Cracking open nuts, especially walnuts
- Drinking a glass of red wine with your dinner
- You’re pacifying the fat cells you already have and working hard to de-stress them a little, by draining out the excess fat
- And as an insurance policy, you’re swallowing a specially formulated anti-oxidant supplement
You might want to add, electrocuting sweet potatoes to your anti-oxidant tool box.
No kidding, getting ordinary sweet potatoes frothing at the mouth, with a jolt of electricity, turns them into a anti-oxidant power house.
Torturing sweet potatoes
A team of Japanese scientists discovered that torturing sweet potatoes (and real potatoes too), is a relatively easy thing to do and besides being quite a lot of fun, it ends up being a GOOD thing to do.
Okay, lets clarify – GOOD for humans. It probably isn’t that GOOD for the sweet potato. Having a high voltage electric current streaming through your flesh can’t be considered GOOD, even if you are just a plant’s storage cupboard.
NOTE : The researchers did not electrocute the plant ! So no plant was harmed during this experiment.
So what was good about it ?
Applying an electric current to a sweet potato, causes the potato to turn on the polyphenol switch, so the levels rise by as much as 60 %. The EXTRA polyphenols take the sweet potato from an ordinary nutrient dense food, to a super food.
For the record, the superduper improved potato – tastes the same.
So stress does not always kill – it sometimes fattens.
The team discovered the best torture method was to plop the potato in some salty water and send a 0.2 Amp current through the water for about 5 minutes. This really is quite easy to do !
Who should be doing this ?
You’re might be thinking – why bother
I like the odd sweet potato, but shocking it into delivering a few extra polyphenols and things seems a bit like overkill. After all, I’m doing the health thing….. I’m eating five fruits and vegetables each day.
But, in many parts of the world, a sweet potato is not an accessory on an already full plate, it occupies the whole plate. Sweet potato serve as a staple food, more than 95 % of the global sweet potato crop grows in the developing world.
An “electrocuted” sweet potato can help do more than just fill a hungry belly, it can provide nutrients that are often missing from under nourished people i.e. address hidden hungers.
An electrifying nutritional experience
Setting up a system to electrocute sweet potatoes is pretty easy, so if you really do want to add a few extra polyphenols to your dinner, give it a try.
Here is a photo of the experimental set up you will need….
Just make sure you don’t accidentally electrocute yourself.
Electrifying success in raising antioxidant levels in sweet potatoes – press release from the American Chemical Society.Interested in learning more about anti-oxidants and things ?
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Further reading
A raw egg beats an apple in antioxidant capability | How to juice up the heart battery so it pumps in a crisis | That salad is just lettuce leaves without the right dressing |
The 7 Big Spoons™…. are master switches that turn health on.
Balance Eicosanoids | Rein in insulin | Dial down stress | Sleep ! | Increase Vit D | Culivate microflora | Think champion |
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