I took my first steps on the 16 December, at 1 year, 1 month and 9 days.
My Mom was so………………….. proud. Especially, since I was a relatively early walker.
But, walking “early” is not universal.
One member of our extended family, never got moving until he was 19 months old. At family gatherings, there was much commenting on the situation. The assumption, was that there was something wrong.
Fortunately, this turned out not to be the case, he was just SLOW to walk.
The ability to walk and walking style, is frequently used, as a developmental barometer.
But, how well a kid walks is not just a reflection of innate ability.
What baby is wearing matters….
Diapers affect infant walking
This is what a group of researchers from New York University, discovered, when they tracked the movements of a bunch of toddlers.
The team put babies through their paces, in three different scenarios
- Butt naked
- Diapered up – in a super-duper super absorbent disposable diaper
- Nappied up – in a traditional cloth nappy ensemble
What they were wearing, changed their gait.
From walking to waddling
When the little ones pounded across the 5.73 m long, 0.92 m wide, pressure-sensitive gait carpet, what they were wearing impacted
- The number of tumbles and missteps
- The speed of walking and
- Foot placement.
Just look at the difference..
When naked, the steps are straight and narrow, when wearing either a disposable diaper or cloth nappy, the footprints are a lot more duck like.
And “ducks” are a lot less sure footed. Babe’s in their birthday suit, toppled over 9 % of the time, babies in diapers and nappies, went over 17 % and 15 % of the time.
It probably isn’t a big surprise…….
A wodge in the middle
You probably would battle a little, if you had an extra layer, wedged between your legs. And, you’ve had years of experience, walking.
The team measured just how big the wodge was….
- In the case of a modern diaper……it came in at 1.1 cm.
- In the case of a traditional cloth diaper…. it was nearly double, at 2.8 cm.
And the diapers, even when empty, increased the load, that the little legs were carrying. Of course, the load could rise significantly higher, if there was a “bomb on board”. Something that would be a routine event, this is why baby is wearing the diaper.
Make learning to walk easier
The day your baby walks, is a significant milestone. You are giddy with excitement, even though the new found ability, brings more work. Nothing is safe, from those little fingers.
Make it easier for your little bundle to get going.
Let them loose NAKED.
Further reading
Tots watching too much TV end up being muscle flops
And muscle flops ……. are on the road to a lifetime of weight troubles, because they hate to move.
Need help turning your MAN into A DAD ?
Mom’s are hormonally designed to be caring and Dad’s are, well MANLY. Actually, Mother Nature has made a plan to bring out the gentler side of things in Dads.
Want to put your baby on the fast track to being a smooth talker ?
Being a smooth talker requires a super fit mouth – breastfeeding gives your baby’s mouth a muscle building workout, but dummy sucking leaves the mouth slothful
If you are an expectant Mom or know someone that is – invite them to participate, so they can create Better Body Chemistry during their pregnancy and raise a HAPPY HEALTHY little one.