Most women do a little titillating to improve their overall appearance, but the lotions and potions that beautify, can just as easily turn you into the beast.
Just like food, make-up can go “off”
Make-up will not last forever. The lipstick that has been riding around in your handbag for months, may have become home for a few unwanted guests.
So how do you know they’re “off”
Same way as you know the food is suspect.
- It doesn’t quite look right
- It doesn’t smell right
- You know is has been there forever
- The package warns you by when you should have used it
The last option does not always apply to makeup. Manufacturers are not obligated to give you “Use by” information, so use your discretion.
If you bought it for Great Aunt Sue’s wedding and she has just celebrated her third wedding anniversary – it’s probably not the best idea to use it for the wedding next week.
And, it only takes an extra second or two, but PUT THE LID BACK ON the bottle and FLIP THE LID SHUT. You don’t leave the fish paste jar with the lid off, so why do you leave the lid off the tube of lipstick ?
Liquid products the biggest risk
Liquid based products are likely to go off first. So watch out for the mascara and foundations.
The presence of water within the product, makes it easier for the bacteria to grow – just like humans, running water in the house, is an absolute must for bacteria who are house hunting.
Most products do include preservatives, chemicals which inhibit microbial growth, but they lose their punch over time, due to the fact that they are being exposed to the air. Of course, leaving the lid off the product speeds up the degradation, as well as providing bacteria with an open door.
As a rule, liquids should be tossed after 3 months.
A humungus carbuncle or a bout of pink eye (conjunctivitis), is probably not worth the pennies that you save by keeping a product which has reached it “use by” date.
Dry products such as powders have a longer shelf life – you’ve got about a year, before these become potential health risks.
Don’t “apply” an infection with your applicator
Watch the applicators – these are touching potentially “dirty” surfaces frequently, so using them continuously increases the odds that you inoculate your make up with something sinister.
And under no circumstances share these with other people. NEVER !
This is particularly important when it comes to lipsticks, lip glosses or lip balms. You will be sharing more than just the lipstick, you could also acquire a cold sore courtesy of a herpes virus plus increase the chances of suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease.
PS. I know if someone had a big lump protruding from their top lip, you would not let them try your lipstick on to see if the shade suits them, but you can still catch a herpes viru, even if their lips look perfectly healthy.
Don’t cultivate makeup flora
You want to grow your own tribe of good guys, to give you a health advantage but avoid growing microorganisms in your makeup. The guys who take up residence may not always be the good guys.
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Further reading
The fountain of youth pumps out tomato puree and carrot soup | Discover the secret to a great passport picture | Bloodshot eyes are a sign of some bad mojo |
The 7 Big Spoons™…. are master switches that turn health on.
Balance Eicosanoids | Rein in insulin | Dial down stress | Sleep ! | Increase Vit D | Culivate microflora | Think champion |
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