The uniqueness comes from the fact that conception is a game of Russian roulette, an egg and a sperm that have been shaken and stirred, by the process of “independent assortment” and meiosis, manage to meet. Creating a unique package of gene sets…..
These gene sets, dictate what you look like, they define our humanity – creating our features, our eyes, nose and toes…….
But this human genome is only part of the story.
Another gene set influences our nature – this gene set is not human.
The microbiome
As the technology has evolved, we have discovered the human genome, is a small part of the human genetic package.
For every human cell in your body, there are 10 bacteria. And there are hundreds of different species of bacteria living within us…
- In our gut
- In our armpit
- In our sinus cavities
- Even in our belly button
Each species of bacteria carries it’s own unique set of genes. Leaving us with more microbial genes than human genes.
Microbial genes not just for microbes
These microbial genes dictate what the microbe looks like and what is gets up to, whilst it is living on/inside you.
What is gets up to impacts you.
These genes….
- Synthesize vitamins
- Metabolize drugs
- Produce compounds that help and hurt you
Your microbiome is impacting your weight, your thinking, your allergies…
Which genes ?
So what determines which microbes make up your microbiome ?
- Diet does.
- Medication.
- So does environment, especially the early environment, which determines who moves in to begin with.
But, so do your genes. And this leads to ….
Every microbiome is unique
There are several big research projects studying the composition of gut microflora in different populations. This particular study analysed the microbial DNA of hundreds of individuals from around the globe.
Not one person’s gut microbiome is the same, although related populations do show similarities, our microbiomes are ONE OF A KIND. Your microbial DNA is just like your fingerprint pattern, completely unique.
And although it changes from day to day, based on what you had for dinner, the pattern is remarkably stable. When repeat samples were taken, up to a year after the first sample, the team could still distinguish the individual based on their gut genetic signature. Criminals BE WARNED, the CSI guys have a new toy.
Your microbiome is YOU
We have been conditioned to regard the microbial world as the enemy…………something that should be STOPPED ! We routinely use antibiotics, antibacterial soaps, preservatives, alcohol and avoid “dirt” – all of which damage our “bugs”.
Our fear of “germs” is for the most part, unfounded, your microbes only become a liability when the balance is upset, their genes are an asset. They are YOU.
Treat your microbiome like an asset – feed it, seed it and protect it from harmful chemicals.
Further reading
Trust your gut to make the right selection | You don’t have to have a big personality to have A PRESENCE | How does your body know who the good bacteria are ? |
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