A little gastric acid, definitely helps with calcium absorption. If you’re taking a proton pump inhibitor i.e. PPI on a regular basis – your bones are at risk !
You’re all too familiar with that “STOMACH ON FIRE” feeling – to keep it at bay, you’ve resorted to routinely swallowing your acid suppression meds.
You’ve been taking them for years.
BUT…….. your stomach is meant to be acidic. The acid bath, sets the wheels in motion for protein digestion and it helps extract a whole host of other vital goodies, notably vitamin B12 and CALCIUM.
Calcium – this is the fundamental ingredient that makes bones.
The get calcium programme
Health gurus are always proclaiming the importance of swallowing lots of calcium, although too much can also not be good for you.
But, sending truck loads of calcium down your digestive tract, is only step 1 in the GET CALCIUM programme. You have to get it from your GUT, into the blood, so it can get into those bones.
So what does it take to get the calcium moving out ?
Lots of things including…
- how much or how little calcium you’ve got i.e. your calcium reserves
- what the calcium is attached too, calcium in dairy is very accessible, calcium in spinach, is not so accessible.
- your hormones, especially vitamin D (it is actually a hormone, not a vitamin) and estrogen
- how well your gut is working
PPIs put bones in splints
A little acid, definitely helps with calcium absorption.
Turning down the dial on acid production, especially over an extended period of time, leaves the calcium balance hanging. And upsets in calcium availability, can increase the risk of bone problems.
Numerous studies have shown, people who use acid suppression meds for a year or more, are more likely to end up breaking a bone. The group of medicines, particularly associated with crumbling bones, are those, belonging to a group of drugs, known as PPIs, e.g. omeprazole.
The PPI name, stands for Proton Pump Inhibitor, it is a reference to how the group of drugs achieve their acid suppression, they do so through blocking the little pump which moves hydrogen ions into the stomach, these hydrogen ions make the stomach acidic.
Throwing the bones
Risk is not a guarantee that a problem will happen, but it does suggest that you need to pay a little more attention.
A bone break can be a minor inconvenience or it can be a killer and/or a disabler.
Pretty much everything you do, whether you’re surfing the net on your ipad late at night, eating a chocolate or taking a pill, has both risks and benefit. It is prudent to weigh up the pros and cons, to make sure that the benefits outweigh the risks. And when the risks are clear, to do what you can to mitigate those risks.
If you’re taking a PPI on a regular basis – your bones are at risk !
Take precautions
So what can you do ?
- Talk about it with your physician – are these meds really right for you ? Are there other things you could try ?
- Keep an eye on those bones i.e. have a bone density scan
- Make sure you’re getting all the goodies you need to build strong bones. Bones need calcium and a whole lot of other more exotic things.
- Watch those hormones, especially vitamin D.
- Don’t let your bones pay your oxidative stress bill.
- Keep moving – a little pushing and pulling, cleans up bones and helps keep you on your toes.
- And sleep on it.
When a bone breaks the cradle falls
Too many people discover that they have bone problems after the fact. A minor fall, turns into a MAJOR ordeal. Better bones depend on better body chemistry.
Little things can have a big impact on your body chemistry. Strive for better body chemistry. Enrol in our free e-course.
“31 Days to Better Body Chemistry”
Further reading
Bone cells are stiffening up your arteries contests
Bone cells are popping up inside damaged blood vessels, as vascular stem cells infiltrate to repair the damage, their presence is stiffening things up.
Bacteria put on raincoats and wellies when visiting you
Bacteria make it through the bad lands of the stomach, by wearing acid resistant raincoats and wellies and on occasion an umbrella inadvertantly given by you
Heartburn medications are burning hearts
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) do solve the heartburn problem in the moment, at a price………… an increased risk of having a heart attack.
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