
Quick summary of the science :

Traditionally it’s been seen as the most important meal of the day.  It probably is.  But what you have for eat is super important too.  And a bowl of Coco Pops washed down with a glass of orange juice, is unlikely to be a recipe to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY and better health.

Discover the benefits of breakfast and what to eat to create the best BODY CHEMISTRY early in the morning

Testosterone guarding the tower housing the egg princess

Do breakfast if you want to help your egg princess escape

Altering WHEN food is around, creates better body chemistry, which helps trapped egg princesses escape the tyranny of their androgen oppressor in PCOS.

Fat man squishing the eating window on  a clock

Diabetics should DO BREAKFAST when practicing intermittent fasting

When it comes to intermittent fasting, the feeling is do breakfast, don’t do breakfast – it doesn’t matter just shorten the eating window. It matters if you’re diabetic.

Two plates of oats fighting each other

How to make eating oats for breakfast a healthier option

Traditionally oats came as flakes, now days, they often come as flour – the benefit, they’re faster to prepare, but they’re also faster to assimilate and this, matters.

Egg putting out a fire that a bowl of oatmeal can't do

Which is a better breakfast, egg or oatmeal ?

The 250 mg of cholesterol in egg WILL send cholesterol levels through the roof – so oatmeal is best. When tested head-2-head, surprisingly eggs trump oatmeal.

Different body parts in different time zones

Is your stomach in a different time zone from the rest of your body ?

Stomach capacity is determined by the stomach’s CLOCK. So, if your stomach can’t do breakfast, your stomach is in a different time zone to the rest of you.

Corn flake box mesmerizing a childe

Watch out……. your cereal box is looking at you

Cereal boxes are positioned so that their spokes “character” makes eye contact with your kids. And catching their eye, makes YOU more likely to BUY.

Bacon capping a brain with an egg cheering on from the sidelines

Eating breakfast is the SMART THING to do

From start to finish, breakfast can be done in 10 minutes. Make it a priority. Breakfast eating kids are smarter than breakfast skippers.

Enzyme eating an egg whilst delivering a load of tyrosine to the brain

Want to put a stop to your ADHD tendencies ?

Eat a BIG BREAKFAST. The egg part, of that big breakfast delivers a supply of tyrosine to your brain, which helps your brain STOP, stopping ADHD tendencies.

Lady enjoying a piece of cake with a scale standing by muttering in disbelief because she isn't putting on weight

When to cheat while on diet i.e. eat chocolate cake

Good news, science has found a way to include chocolate cake and other delicious munchies into a DIET programme without sacrificing weight loss. The secret….have it for breakfast.

Coffee and breakfast go together like peas and carrots

Eggs for breakfast ? Healthy or NOT ?

Want the inside scoop on what it takes to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY ?

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