Breast Health
Quick summary of the science :
A woman’s breasts are an integral part of her femininity and identity. Women’s breasts are constantly going through change, from the time of their development, through pregnancy and the menopause, in response to hormone fluctuations i.e. body chemistry.
There is more to breast health than having an annual mammogram.
A simple thing you can do to decrease your risk of breast cancer
You want to decrease the risk of breast cancer, not just detect it early, since being exposed to light at night, ups the risk, be sure to sleep IN THE DARK.
Avoid breast cancer by feeding your beasties
Gut bacteria use their chemical wizardry to bump up your body’s estrogen levels, and too much estrogen often drives breast cancer.
Measuring up your risk of breast cancer
Want quantify your risk of developing postmenopausal breast cancer ? It doesn’t involve any needles, just a little shopping……
Breast feeding is like riding a bicycle – it’s NEVER FORGOTTEN
Breast cells find the experience of being part of the milk production team , unforgettable !
You don’t have to have a baby to be breast feeding
You might view breast tissue as private territory, out of bounds to all but the special people in our lives, but bacteria view breast tissue as a classy hotel.
The one piece of equipment that would help ladies exercise more
There is something that seems to fly under the radar of the ESTABLISHMENT. It’s an anatomical idiosyncrasy of women. Breasts ! They impact our exercising.
Did you know, your antiperspirant reaches all the way to your breast ?
Anatomically speaking, the underarm is close to the breast, so your underarm cosmetic can drift downwards – putting you at an increased risk of breast cancer.
Want the inside scoop on what it takes to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY ?
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