Breast Milk

Quick summary of the science :

Breast milk really is the perfect food.  We should be talking about the RISKS of not breast feeding, rather than the BENEFITS of breast feeding. A formula fed baby misses out on vital ingredients, while at the same time, being exposed to “foreign” substances and/or inappropriate levels of components.

The goal should be to breast feed, if you can’t, don’t panic, but choose the formula you use wisely.

Comparison of little girls playing in the presence of an estrogen nanny and a phytoestrogen nanny

Little girls play differently when they grow up on a soy-based formula

The sex hormones are involved in tweaking brain development, turning a baby’s brain into a little girl brain. The phytoestrogens in soy, disturb this process.

Phytoestrogen casting a forboding shadow over a baby in crib

Soy based formula floods baby’s system with lady hormones

A baby being fed soy-based formula is being exposed to 13 000 – 22 000 times more “estrogen” than normal, at a time when the brain and body is still developing.

Iron molecules running out of poop

What happens when a baby gets too much iron ?

The amount of iron in human breast milk, is deliberately kept low. The amount of iron in baby formula, is deliberately high. This mismatch has consequences.

Bacteria licking up milk that a baby has spilt on the floor

Your baby’s first “friends” shape their destiny

Tucked away inside Mom, a baby is germ free. But once they move out into the REAL WORLD, the situation changes and who moves in, MATTERS.

Breast blowing bubbles containing microRNA

Breast milk is not just for feeding, it’s for teaching

Moms are sending genetic messages to their baby’s immune system via their breast milk, they’re teaching it the ABCs, so that is knows exactly how to behave.

Sweat and tears contributing to breast milk mixture

Germ free milk is not good medicine

Manufacturers proudly proclaim that box of milk you’re buying on the supermarket shelf is germ free, but germ free is not the way Mother Nature serves it up.

Women breast feeding with broccoli and fish passing down the mammary gland into baby

How to raise a child that loves vegetables

The secret to raising a child that loves eating vegetables is to eat lots of vegetables when nursing because flavour preferences are created before 6 months

Gut bacteria being transported to breast milk by immune cell

The hero’s journey – how good bacteria arrive in your baby’s gut

Breast milk contains around 1000-10 000 bacteria / per ml. So where do the bacteria come from ? YOUR GUT. Surprised ?

Drop of breast milk fighting HIV

Breast milk includes a powerful anti-retroviral 

If you can, strive to breast feed your little one. The ingredients packaged in breast milk are able to protect against some really nasty bugs, including HIV.

Breast encouraging a baby mouth to do it's stretches and work out

Want to put your baby on the fast track to being a smooth talker ?

Being a smooth talker requires a super fit mouth – breastfeeding gives your baby’s mouth a muscle building workout, but dummy sucking leaves the mouth slothful

Women up in the middle of the night making formula whilst her baby screams in the background

Moms who breast feed are less sleep deprived

Sleep deprived new Moms think “switching” to formula, especially for the night feed, helps keep baby satisfied and sleeping. Research shows they’re mistaken…

Gut bacteria tucking into oligosaccharides

The sugar in Mom’s milk makes the “good” bacteria grow

Breast milk is filled with all the nutrients a developing human needs. But, not all the nutrients in this SUPERFOOD are things that junior can use.

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