Better Body Chemistry
while preparing for exams
To motivate your brain nibble on chocolate covered carrots
Nibbling on chocolate covered carrots, is the way to keep your brain motivated. Neither sticks nor ordinary carrots can do the trick
Now rewards the ticket to the good life
Help your brain out, give it a reward for writing that test NOW, not ten years from now. Your brain can imagine the future, it lives for the moment.
Painting your desk green will make studying more pleasant
A touch of green puts the brain in a significantly better mood, so this week’s Neurotechnology Tip encourages you to paint your desk a shade of green
Work and TV are like oil and water, they don’t mix
You won’t watch TV from the corner of your eye, your eye will be continually bobbing backwards and forwards ultimately crushing productivity
Ping………..thud, that thought, just crashed
AVOID interruptions, even innocent ones like a notification of an SMS coming through. Short interruptions are I-N-T-E-R-U-P-T-I-N-G !
If you think a topic is easy, then start studying it NOW !
Just because it feels like it goes in easily doesn’t mean it is actually going in. It is a case of easy come, easy go so make sure you study the easy stuff.
Do the brain shuffle and get those juices flowing in your brain
Put you left foot forward, put your left foot back …… cross a few wires and get your brain oxygenated by doing the brain shuffle during study sessions
Your brain needs periodic surprises to keep focused
The brain is built to respond to change, failure to surprise it, leads to declines in focus and performance over time. Surprises cause it to pay attention.
Are your academic results sleep sliding away ?
The advice to get enough sleep is not some conspiracy to cut short the time available for enjoying life. Good sleep hygiene is the ticket to a good life.
Navel gazing – a no work strategy to help you remember more
NO WORK, sounds a bit fishy. But doing nothing FREES up brain networks. The down time on the network, allows new info to be uploaded completely
Why does nothing stick when you’re stressed out
Under normal circumstances – memorizing the list of 10 items would be a sinch, but when you absolutely need to learn it NOW, why does nothing stick.
Suffering a maths attack pains your brain
Maths anxiety is not a result of being mathematically clueless, it is a REAL HEADACHE, causing parts of your brain to wince with pain.
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