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An easy way to fix PCOS (polycstic ovary syndrome)
Altering WHEN food is around, creates better body chemistry, which helps trapped egg princesses escape the tyranny of their androgen oppressor in PCOS
To make a baby, there must be a rendezvous between a handsome strong sperm and an egg princess. The magical union requires physical contact i.e. the princess must leave the sanctuary of the ovary and venture forth into the fallopian tube.
If she is out and about, when the sperm gets there – he’ll find her and make history.
The unwanted guard in PCOS
Some eggs run into some serious opposition. An unexpected bully, blocks the exit door, thwarting the great escape…………….
No escape, no tête-á-tête, no pitter patter.
The bully’s name – testosterone.
The reason, this burly hunk is hanging out in the ovary, which is by definition “Girlie land”, is because enzymes within the ovary, have become supercharged by excess levels of insulin.
A tit-for-tat scenario.
Insulin is a foodie not a lover
Insulin comes out to play WHEN there is food around……..
Researchers from Tel Aviv University wondered if by altering WHEN food was around, they could help these trapped princesses escape the tyranny of their androgen oppressor. And thus facilitate desired unions.
Sitting down to eat
The researchers enlisted the help of 60 skinny women, with a PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) diagnosis and put them on a special diet for 12 weeks.
Not a diet that restricted their calories, but a diet that dictated the WHEN.
They were allowed to consume up to 1800 calories a day and could eat anything they liked. The “diet” part of the programme came in terms of when all the calories were consumed. Half the ladies ate a BIG BREAKFAST, with a smallish lunch and a tiny dinner. The other half ate a tiny breakfast, smallish lunch and ended the day with BIG DINNER.
The breakfast club
Ladies loading up early in the day, the breakfast club, were able to ditch the testosterone bully. Free testosterone levels were down by 50 %.
And……….. with the bully out of the picture, a lot more princesses managed to fly the coup.
Ovulation rates increased significant.
An easy fix for PCOS ?
I know, I know………….. eating a big breakfast might seem a little daunting, but it can be worked into your schedule. And it will bring a few additional benefits such as being a little smarter.
A few issues need to be addressed….
- The first, and by far the hardest, will be persuading your jet setting stomach, that it needs to live in the same time zone, as the rest of you. If you force the issue for a couple of days – your stomach and it’s hormones will adjust. You will be able to stomach food before noon.
- The second problem, time. You will need to get up early enough to DO BREAKFAST. Don’t leave it up to chance – decide what you will be doing for breakfast before you hit the sack and……………. hit the sack earlier.
- You don’t like eggs. Hello. Big breakfast does not mean eggs and bacon – it could be anything, even chocolate But eggs are a good choice.
Picture yourself writing a chapter in the princess dairy every morning….
Keeping your princess dairy
Should help your egg princess break free…….
Increasing the odds that you add a princess (or a prince) to your family if this is your goal, if not, it will help you feel more like a princess. Unfortunately, the presence of a testosterone bully can undermine your health by giving you spots, thinning your hair, upsetting your menstrual cycles etc. And long term, it puts you at risk of heart disease and diabetes.
PS. Looking for additional help to overcome the insulin resistance that is underpinning your PCOS diagnosis ? Enrol in the Tame your Sugar Gremlin on line programme, at BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY SCHOOL
Further reading
Is too much sugar to blame for the rise in infertility ?
The connection between too much sugar and weight troubles is well established. But too much sugar is also causing sex hormone hang-ups.
Put ear plugs in your pituitary gland to hear lullaby melodies
Too much insulin gives pituitary cells a pounding headache, they don’t perform their duties correctly resulting in NO egg for the sperm to hook up with.
It is time to co-ordinate your diary with your body’s schedule
Modern living is CLOCK LIVING, but just like you, Mother Nature is time sensitive. You need to co-ordinate your diary with your body’s schedule.