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The unexpected hazard of milk substitutes

Among the nutrients in milk is iodine. If you are using a milk substitute, you’re getting pretty close to no iodine. Iodine shortages cause health issues….
You don’t use milk…………
Maybe it’s by design, maybe it’s biology.
The reason is not important, what is important is not consuming milk, changes your diet quality.
Milk is a source of a whole bunch of nutrients.
And if you’re not consuming milk, there is a chance you could be short of these nutrients.
Missing nutrients
The milk nutrient that is on most people’s radar is calcium…..
Being aware of the potential for a calcium short fall, means the calcium situation can be managed.
Through substitution and/or fortification.
But there is another ingredient in milk, that’s important and it is not on most people’s radar.
The ingredient is iodine.
Iodine and milk ?
Not an obvious connection.
Iodine in milk is a little “contrived”, it’s there because of farming practices.
But it IS THERE. .
Making milk a source of iodine.
And millions of people, rely on milk to get their iodine quota.
Adding iodine to milk
How much iodine you’re getting from that glass of milk depends……..
- on the address
- on the time of year and
- lifestyle
of the cow, supplying the milk
The point is, if you’re drinking milk, you are getting some…………
It’s not in a milk substitute
And if you are using a milk substitute, you’re getting pretty close to none, unless the product has been fortified, which is highly unlikely. This is what a team of British researchers discovered when they went shopping for “milk”, at local supermarkets, at the beginning of winter, in 2015.

Graph showing iodine content of “milk” products. Copyright Sarah Bath
The results of their study show, products that are typically used as milk substitutes, by British consumers, have little to none.
NOTE : 3 milk substitute products indicated some kind of iodine fortification
Does it matter ?
Probably not if you’re getting iodine from other sources….
Mother Nature’s go to source of iodine is food from the ocean.
Fish and sea vegetables.
The other significant source, although not quite as natural, is iodized salt. Governments around the world, require iodine to be added to table salt, fortifying the salt, protects millions of people from overt iodine deficiency.
NOTE : Britain does not have a salt fortification programme.
But iodine deficiency still happens…………….
Iodine deficiency is common
In the Western world.
Iodine is needed for thyroid hormone production, since thyroid hormones are the driver of metabolism, running low has BIG consequences for body chemistry.
Babes in the womb are particularly vulnerable to shortages, because developing brains NEED adequate supplies of it to grow up smart. Studies have shown, little ones who don’t get enough, end up with lower IQs. Eish !
This research suggests, if you are using a milk alternative, such as
- soya milk
- almond milk,
- coconut milk
- oat milk and
- rice milk.
On a routine basis, it is making you……….
More vulnerable to iodine deficiency
So if you’re using a milk alternative, you need to put iodine on your radar.
Pay attention, make sure you’re getting iodine from alternative sources.
NOTE : Be smart about it………….
Iodine is a goldilocks nutrient, so if you decide to use an iodine supplement, be careful – too little is a problem, but so is too much.
Further reading
If your health gets an F grade, check your water isn’t full of fluoride
Hypothyroidism is on the rise. Why ? Researchers suspect it has something to do with the water we’re drinking. It seems too much fluoride taxes the thyroid..
The advice to avoid fish during pregnancy is a little fishy
Women eating lots of fish during pregnancy, may pick up more mercury, but their kids are not at a higher risk of behavioural problems
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