The Body Chemistry behind heart attacks

Quick summary of the science :

Heart attacks strike when clots obstruct arteries, cutting off vital blood supply to the heart and causing potentially fatal tissue damage. Understanding the formation and behavior of these clots is crucial to mitigating their deadly effects. Explore various strategies that can prevent or reduce the severity of a heart attack, empowering you with knowledge to safeguard your heart health.

Tips & strategies to prevent/survive a heart attack

LDL particle arriving at the scene of an accident inside a blood vessel

Cholesterol clogs up blood vessels because blood vessels fail

A cell lining a blood vessel suffers a catastrophic event AND IS NOT REPLACED, because you’re short of EPCs – cholesterol then fills the leaking pipe, and so it begins.

LDL stuck in a pot hole that has formed in a blood vessel

The cholesterol that’s clogging your arteries doesn’t come from the blood

The war on cholesterol, although laudable, is not going to “fix” atherosclerosis, because the blockage starts deep inside the blood vessel, the vasa vasorum is to blame

A collection of platelets scrolling their phones at night

When to take an aspirin to lower your cardiovascular risk

The time of the day, you want to stop platelet MOBBING is FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. To do this, you should be taking aspirin with dinner, NOT breakfast.

Sugar poking holes in the glycocalyx

Blood vessels clog up when they become sticky

A special non-stick layer, known as the glycocalyx, prevents things from sticking to the sides of blood vessels. When it’s not there, atherosclerosis happens.

Norepinephrine kicking iron around and a bacteria reaching up to grab it

When you GO POSTAL, your bacteria dispatch a letter bomb

Bacteria need iron to grow, so iron levels are ALWAYS kept low, except during STRESSFUL moments, when iron is made available……. bacteria come out to play

Insulin bossing a bunch of cholesterol molecules around

Insulin steers the assembly of killer blood clots

The details are still a little fuzzy but insulin is definitely part of the story of atherosclerotic plaque formation in the carotid artery

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