Imagine sitting down to create a beautiful piece of artwork or crafting a masterpiece, whether it’s a delicate embroidery project, a complex knitting endeavor, or any other fine craft that requires attention to detail.
To create such magnificent art, you need the tools of the trade….
Here is a quick introduction about me so you can decide if I am someone you want to listen to. I have PhD in pharmacology and I taught at various tertiary institutions for years, before setting out on my own as a health blogger. What sparked the move away for the formal academic world was my own health crisis. I had a nervous breakdown, literally a nerve in my eye packed up, leaving me with double vision. As I looked into the science, in search of answers………….. I discovered that most of the information pertaining to health is WRONG. Sometimes it’s just out of date, the science has moved on. Sometimes the science has actually been there for years, but it didn’t fit the paradigm – so it went UN-NOTICED. Or put another way. No one could make money out of it, so it was forgotten/swept under the rug. When I got my own health more or less back on track, I felt motivated to share the information with others and founded BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY, where I inspire and empower ordinary people from all around the world to make the small lifestyle changes that help them create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY and BETTER HEALTH.
On an average day I spend 2-3 hours exploring scientific journals looking for “answers” to what causes insulin resistance and how to fix it. I take the science that I discover and simplify it, so that it is accessible to ordinary people. Science is always moving and changing as new things are discovered. I believe that the answer to the vast majority of our health troubles lies in THE BIOLOGY. And that if you understand the principles, you can find solutions.