Better Body Chemistry

using mind games

Quick summary of the science :

While our approach typically emphasizes using biology not psychology to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY, mindset can impact overall wellness. Managing thoughts and emotions is essential for sustaining optimal body chemistry, our attitudes, beliefs, and reactions—profoundly shapes how we handle stress and interact with our environment.

Embracing the right mindset can dramatically boost your health. This page is packed with clever tips and tricks that show you how to align your thoughts with your biological health goals. Learn how these smart mental tweaks can enhance your sleep, optimize your circadian rhythms, and more, proving that a well-managed mind is just as important as a well-tuned body.

Harness Mind Games for Better Body Chemistry


Good and evil playing mind games over a piece of chocolate cake

The voice left standing wins the should I eat it debate

Your eye catches sight of a delectable munchie. And the “I want” order is immediately dispatched. And so begins the battle in your head….. TEMPTATION.


Two women taking a walk

Stop exercising to lose weight

Exercising is designed to create a calorie deficit, which should mean stored calories get used and whalla……….. thinness – but this often doesn’t happen


Tongue falling in love with the texture of a food item

The hard and soft of those moments of overindulgence

Your brain is not the only organ weighing in on culinary decisions, your tongue’s preferences impact too. So what does the tongue like ? Soft and smooth, please


Mouth gargling with sugar molecules

Gargle with sugar to see the light

The idea that rinsing your mouth out, can improve self-control is not a new one, but soap is no longer necessary, you can just use a little sugar…


Wife playing mind games with her husband by  cutting his food into tiny piece

The secret to eating less is to serve up a little more

When it comes to food, your brain more often than not, forgets to act like a grown up so use a little psychology on it, give it what it wants – give it more.


Women wearing a bite counter

Stop counting steps and start counting bites

Snacking happens whilst we’re doing something else, so it often escapes our consciousness. Bite counting is a way to beat mindless eating and weight gain.


Women having auriculotherapy refusing a bowl of food

Stapping on a pair of red ears is all it takes to lose weight effortlessly

A group of North Korean researchers have verified, ear acupuncture can be used to lose weight. you may look like a dork, but you will be SIGNIFICANTLY THINNER.


Foods dancing in front of a pair of lips

Eating boring food when you’re bored is pointless

When you’re bored, you have NO PURPOSE. To feel more meaningful you need to FEEL something. Make what you eat FUN……


Man sitting on the couch along with some cookies

A two for one deal on new year’s health resolutions

By now, you’ve probably figured out, eating less AND moving more – is a lot like hard work. Need some help with the mammoth task, this might just help.


Two women at the movies eating popcorn

Autopilot eating turns movie viewing into monster jamboree

When you think about a trip to the cinema, do you think popcorn and a movie, or just think movie ? Many brains expect both, but it really is just a habit.


Brain eating carrots

To motivate your brain nibble on chocolate covered carrots

Nibbling on chocolate covered carrots, is the way to keep your brain motivated. Neither sticks nor ordinary carrots can do the trick.


Eye contradicting stomach about how full it feels

Maybe it’s time to invest in appetite suppressing glasses

Avoiding eye contact with chocolate fudge sundae, is helpful, but there is more to “watching” than meets the eye. Appetite control begins with the eyes.


The weight results of a divorce

Is your marital status responsible for those extra pounds ?

Marital transitions shake up lives. Re-writing the rule book to accommodate the presence/absence of the other individual can generate a “weight shock”.


Women transforming from fat to thin by counting

Sticking to your goal requires a moving target

Keep yourself motivated to stick to your weight loss plan but using a little neurotechnology as you tally up your progress, give your brain a moving target.


Looking inside someone's head as tehy think about the calorie count on a cookie

How to avoid wearing edible Christmas gifts on your hips

The brain knows, edible treats are always rewarding so you need to use a little creative thinking so the certain reward becomes a booby prize


Thin women thinking she is fat

Could you think yourself fat ?

FEELING FAT, as a teen, even when you’re not………… enough to push you over the edge, so that you end up as an overweight adult.


Pair of shoes flattening a piece of chocolate

A short walk flattens that irresistible NEED for chocolate

If you’re in the habit of reaching for a chocolate fix, more often than you would like – RUN an errand and flatten the chocolate NEED.

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