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Better Body Chemistry with salt


Catch up on salt related blog posts

After vigorous exercise rehydrating is important but beware drinking water is replacing the water not the sodium. Too little sodium can also kill.
drinking at the sugar pan
Salty snacks may be acceptable as long as you tame the salt thirst with good old fashioned water but don’t drink too much and be cautious if you have a spare tyre already…..
Salt overloaders / salt addicts, may not be driven by a liking for the taste of salt but by a need to drown out other tastes.
salt triggers helicobacter pylori
H.pylori lives peacefully in the gut but expose it to salt and it turns into a “psychotic” burner causing painful ulcers. Tame that burn by cutting the salt.
ears with taste buds
The louder the background noise, the more bland the food tastes. So try turning down the stereo if you want to eat less salt !
salt sensitive hypertension
Sodium does cause the blood pressure to rise but mother nature is quite capable of “handling” this rise – provided you’re not salt sensitive
A low salt diet causes insulin resistance in everyone. Granted in salt sensitive’s, it lowers blood pressure, but more insulin resistance is never heart healthy
salty snacks
A bowl of salty soup, will send your blood pressure up. If you’re salt sensitive, this is a reason to worry. But, you can speed up your biology, to avoid the problem….

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better body chemistry 300

Improve deliveries


Tips & strategies to help get the blood flowing


Inflict some torture

Remote ischemic preconditioning, uses a blood pressure cuff, to deliberately cut off the blood supply – it’s cruel, but in the end, practice makes perfect

ditch the mouth wash

Swooshing, stops the conversion of nitrate to nitrite by the bacteria living in your mouth – since nitrite help dilate blood vessels, your blood pressure rises

Soak in the sun

Your blood pressure is UP. Your instinct says, this CAN be fixed, with a little sun, sea and surf. You’re half right. All you need is the sun, to distress


Sitting stops leg blood flow, but if you fidget, you can improve blood flow- it turns out, tiny muscle contractions are better than NO, muscle contractions

Turn up the heat

You can hack the biology of exercise, to get the benefit of better sugar control, without spending a fortune. All you need is a hot room and an hour, 3 times a week.

Sit actively

Humans like to SIT, this happens in both Western and traditional cultures, but in the jungle, there are NO COUCHES – and this makes sitting less of a health risk.

Strut your STUFF

Sitting beats moderate physical activity, when it comes to creating BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY – strut your STUFF (Stand Up For Fitness)


Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) do solve the heartburn problem in the moment, at a price………… an increased risk of having a heart attack.

Walk & Chew

As you age, your walking rhythm slows down, but an anatomical quirk, connects your mouth with your toes…….so if you walk and chew, you’ll walk as fast as you chew

Want the inside scoop on what it takes to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY ?

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  • kljkljkljkljlk


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