Nitric Oxide

Quick summary of the science :

Nitric oxide is a gasotransmitter, which is produced by your body.  Nitric oxide production involves different enzyme isoforms and non-enzymatic pathways. It is a highly reactive molecule and  participates in virtually every cellular and organ function in the body.  Among it’s most notable roles, is it acts as a vasodilator i.e. it causes blood vessels  to widen.

Mouth bacteria peeking out of throat

Swooshing with mouth wash will increase your blood pressure

Swooshing, stops the conversion of nitrate to nitrite by the bacteria living in your mouth – since nitrite help dilate blood vessels, your blood pressure rises

Insulin being lifted by nitric oxide so it can cross a cell barrier

How to get those glucose gates up – so you take up more sugar

When you’re insulin resistant, sugar can’t leave the blood, because the glucose gates, normally used by the sugar molecules, are missing. Gate moving needs…

Sun heating a blood vessel sitting in a sauna

A little sun can let the pressure out 

Your blood pressure is UP. Your instinct says, this CAN be fixed, with a little sun, sea and surf. You’re half right. All you need is the sun, to destress

Sugar biting an epithelial cell trying to deliver an insulin package to waiting muscle cell

Is insulin resistance a delivery problem, not a hearing problem ?

In the insulin resistant, its thought that insulin arrives at the cell’s glucose gate, but the gate doesn’t open. What if insulin never makes it to the gate ?

Muscle rolling out the red carpet because nitric oxide has announced insulin's pending arrival

Want to overcome insulin resistance? Roll out the welcome mat

When skeletal muscles, know insulin is coming, they move their GLUT4 gates from the periphery to front and centre, with the gates in place, glucose gets in.

Heart running on a treadmill and in the process charging nitric oxide battery

How to juice up the heart battery so it pumps in a crisis

When a heart attack strikes, the nitric oxide battery is the key to calming the panic and getting oxygen to the tissue minimizing damage. To charge your battery – move

Cell flapping it's "ears" causing nitric oxide release

Is humming the cure for chronic sinusitis ?

The cells lining the sinus cavity defend themselves through nitric oxide production. By humming – you can boost nitric oxide levels, shore-ing up the defences

Beetroot pushing on sides of blood vessel making it wider (vasodilation)

Popeye turns to beetroot for his muscle fix

Downing a glass of nitrate laden beetroot juice is a great tasting way to naturally decrease blood pressure and boost oxygen supplies

Man sitting at restaurant table experiencing heart burn

Heartburn medications are burning hearts

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) do solve the heartburn problem in the moment, at a price………… an increased risk of having a heart attacks

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