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How to eat less and feel fuller
Eating is a warming experience.
This is one of the reason’s we eat more in winter. The presence of food in the belly, makes us feel warm and toasty.
The term for this is meal associated thermogenesis.
I like it warm NOT hot
Now, feeling warm and toasty is NICE. But, there is a fine line between warm and toasty AND HOT.
HOT is not particularly attractive.
So, avoiding HOT, following a meal, is prudent.
And it’s one of the reasons, our body, flips the off switch on eating.
Flipping the switch
Now the existence of the switch is NOT news.
But how it works is.
A team of researchers from Germany, have managed to piece it all together.
It’s complicated.
But, it’s potentially exploitable.
That acid MUST be neutralized
To get digestion STARTED…………… acid is required, so food takes a dip in the acid vat of the stomach. Big bits of protein are chopped and diced, into smaller peptides, which slip out the stomach, into the small intestine, for further processing.
But the small bits of food are embedded in an acid sludge.
Ouch ! The acid MUST be neutralized………….
Cells in the upper small intestine, known as S cells, reach out to the pancreas for help.
The pancreas obliges, neutralizing the acid, by squirting in, bicarbonate containing pancreatic juice.
Processing and absorption proceeds.
But the pancreas is NOT the only organ in the body, that hears the small intestine “screeching”.
The sound travels
Despite being, a million miles away for the digestive tract…………. brown fat cells, hear the “screeching”.
The sound chills them to the bone, sparking a flurry of activity.
Here is a FDG-PET-CT scan showing what happens to BAT cells, when someone is injected with secretin.
The BAT cells begin spewing out fire and brimstone.
This is HOT WORK !
Neurons get hot and bothered
Now among the neurons in the body, that are exquisitely sensitive to the heat, are a set of neurons, deep inside the ARC nucleus.
These guys control your appetite.
The hot causes them to shut down feeding.
To avoid a case of heat stroke………….it’s the
This happens in mice and men.
So how can this be exploited ?
Turn up the heat
Well one idea is to increase secretin.
The researchers tried it.
They injected mice with recombinant secretin, this could stop them eating, but the effect on weight was small and it came at a price…………
So don’t expect a secretin mimetic drug pill, to be on the market in the foreseeable future.
But this doesn’t mean, you can’t turn up the heat.
Eat for more secretin
Your digestive tract notices what’s in the bites you take………….
It has to be, getting a fat “digested” requires a completely different set of tools, to a protein or carb.
As a rule, more acid is needed to digest protein.
More acid, needs MORE secretin.
So try to obey the rules of thirds, at every meal i.e. eat a little protein, a little fat and a little carb, to optimize gut hormone signalling. And avoid using antacids meds on a routine basis !
Bring on the BAT
Now BAT is one of those things you can be blessed with lots of, or be “deficient”.
Your BAT levels are probably less about genetics and more about your living conditions. In short, if you want to be endowed with lots of BAT cells, you need to FREEZE YOUR TUSH off, on a regular basis.
BAT is your built in body heater.
If there’s not much call for it, you don’t make it. And, as a rule, people with weight issues, typically are somewhat “deficient”.
More BAT more burn
Since BAT cells, burn lots of calories – they’re pretty useful, in and of themselves. But this research suggests, that they are more than a catabolic heater, they also control appetite.
And if you have a tendency to overeat, this can be most helpful.
More BAT, would mean a bigger burn, after eating. The bigger burn, would bring warmer temperatures to the appetite control centre, resulting in an earlier shut down of eating.
Less calories in = less calories to process !
A weight watching WIN, with the help of BIOLOGY, not PSYCHOLOGY. Click here to download the free “Willpower Report” to discover more biological tools to tame your sugar gremlin
Further reading
You should burn sugar when you get out of bed – do you ?
Every morning, just before dawn, brown fat cells burn sugar, to warm you up. They’ll do it, even if you’re insulin resistant, as long as they’re there.
All I want for Christmas is a fat transplant
Mice who receive a FAT transplant become OBESITY RESISTANT – this means, the little critters can eat what they like and never get fat. I want that….
Being given the cold shoulder causes a fat meltdown
Cold sweats and cold baths both burn calories, but cold baths trump cold sweats – so if you’re up to it, a cold bath is a cool way to burn those extra calories.