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Improve your insulin sensitvity by boosting adiponectin levels
Adiponectin campaigns for insulin, encouraging cells to respond to his badgering. Unfortunately, if you’re insulin resistant, adiponectin is AWOL unless….
Generally speaking in metabolic syndrome – there is TOO MUCH of everything.
- TOO much insulin
- TOO much leptin
- TOO much pro-inflammatory markers
You get the picture………
The consequences of too much
Now, sometimes the TOO much of one thing, tanks something else, because metabolically speaking the chemicals are dependent on one another.
This is particularly a problem with TOO MUCH INSULIN.
In fact, TOO MUCH INSULIN, causes cells to stop listening to insulin – this situation is described as INSULIN RESISTANCE.
Now one chemical we’re expecting TOO MUCH OF in metabolic syndrome is adiponectin. It’s an adipokine, which means fat cells make it. And anytime you’ve got lots of fat cells, adipokine production should be humming.
But adiponectin bucks the trend.
And this is unfortunate, adiponectin’s claim to fame – it makes you insulin sensitive.
Too little adiponectin a problem
Yup – there is a chemical that campaigns for insulin, encouraging cells to respond to his badgering. You guessed it, in someone with metabolic syndrome, adiponectin is thin on the ground.
Interestingly enough, in a type 1 diabetic, adiponectin levels are on the high side.
This makes sense…..
Adiponectin not needed
When there are lots of insulin molecules on the ground, insulin doesn’t NEED help drumming up support. Insulin has all the bases covered.
But the situation changes, when insulin is “missing” in action.
Having adiponectin work alongside insulin, ensures the job of putting away the groceries, get’s done.
The adiponectin paradox
What doesn’t makes sense is, the chief source of adiponectin is FAT TISSSUE. Now people with metabolic problems ARE NOT SHORT on fat cells.
They’ve got more than enough.
But, they are short on adiponectin.
And these shortages are linked with insulin resistance. Eish !
What is going on ?
The adiponectin surprise
A team of researchers have been trying to figure it out, because persuading adipocytes to produce MORE adiponectin, could be rather helpful, in someone who is insulin resistant.
They discovered something rather surprising.
The fat cells pumping out adiponectin, are NOT the ones associated with BIG BELLIES.
They ‘re the fat cells found in your bone.
Bet you didn’t realize, bone had fat tissue…..
Bone fat
Actually 70 % of the space inside your bone is made of fat tissue. You have approx. 2 kg of the stuff. It even has a special name – MAT, which stands for marrow adipose tissue.
Now, if you’re carrying extra fat elsewhere on your body, odds are, you’re also carrying extra fat in your bones, so…………… shouldn’t be short of adiponectin.
Unfortunately “fat” bones, aren’t necessarily healthy bones.
Scientists suspect the fat in the bones, is not actually marrow fat, but regular fat, that has moved in.
What they do know is…………when it comes to adiponectin , MAT IS A PLAYER !
Expanding your MAT
Around about now, I am sure you’re thinking – how do I get my MAT cells to come to the party.
At this stage, there is no easy answer – not much is known about MAT.
Accessing MAT is a NIGHTMARE !
What is known…………….
The one group of peeps, who have adiponectin levels in the stratosphere, are people suffering from anorexia. It seems, serious calorie restriction, causes MAT expansion and adiponectin levels come along for the ride.
So…………….. starving is one way to boost MAT fat levels ?
Insulin levels MAT-ter
Since calorie restriction, is synonymous with low insulin levels – the recipe for more adiponectin, is less insulin. So step one in your quest for more adiponectin, work at keeping insulin levels in check !
But, there is more to the story…………
If bone marrow fat cells are responsible for churning out adiponectin, you want happy healthy bones, as well.
Build better bones
So what do bones like……………your first thought might be calcium.
After all, they’re made of the stuff, so supplying adequate calcium, should make them stronger.
ON the OUTSIDE, but the marrow cells are tucked INSIDE the bone.
For them, happiness starts with happy hour – they like drinking, not booze, but blood. Improving blood delivery, by getting ACTIVE, will go a long way to making them feel good.
And when they feel good, you’re likely to be MORE insulin sensitive.
Further reading
Calcium supplements are building bones and breaking hearts
More of something is not always better – research suggests calcium supplements are packing too much of a punch leading to heart attacks and strokes
Are your stem cells choosing to be fat cells rather than bone cells ?
Mesenchymal stem cells are programmed with the ability to become bone cells or fat cells. Your body chemistry defines their destiny.
Are fat cells just storage cupboards in the body ?
Fat cells do more than just store your extra calories, they produce over 80 different chemicals which are responsible for causing the trouble in obesity.