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How to resolve the low grade inflammtion of obesity
Fat cells are capable of putting a stop to inflammation. But, when you’ve got metabolic troubles, they aren’t doing it. But you can help them…………..
You can only store so much in a cupboard.
You will get to a point, where the cupboard is FULL TO CAPACITY.
At this point in time, you need a new cupboard or failing this, A BIGGER CUPBOARD.
Cupboard refurnishment
Now cupboards don’t change size by themselves…………….. to get more cupboard space, you have to DO SOMETHING.
The same principle holds in the body.
Your fat cells are storage cupboards.
We all have a set number of fat cell cupboards – some people, are blessed with a body with an enormous number and others, well their body is not that well endowered.
Cupboard space matters…..
The more the merrier
The more cupboard space you have, the more fat you can safely store. On paper at least, fat cells can expand their volume by 1000 times.
When you exceed YOUR fat storage capacity – metabolic troubles surface.
But…………… there is quite a bit of wiggle room, built into the system.
Because the fat storage cupboard, can be remodelled.
Fat cell remodelling
Is performed by the immune system.
Surprised ? Don’t be, the immune system is not just tasked with battling invading organisms, it is also does repairs and remodelling.
So, when your fat cells, need to expand, they call upon the immune system for help.
Macrophages infiltration
Macrophages rush in and do a little remodelling.
They knock out the “too small” foundation and replace it with a more spacious one and ensure that the blood supply is re-routed, to keep expanded fat cell, adequately supplied.
With oxygen and nutrients.
When the job is done………………….. they LEAVE.
Well that is what is supposed to happen. But it seems, this does not always happen. Instead of packing up their tools and going “home”, they loiter.
Low grade inflammation
Their continued persistence results in what is termed LOW GRADE INFLAMMATION.
It sparks a crisis.
Because let’s be honest, living in the midst of a renovation, is NOT a pleasant process.
So what does it take get the macrophages to leave ?
Tell them to leave
You might think, they will just simply pack up their bags and leave, when the job is done…..
It turns out, this does not happen. They have to be TOLD to leave.
There are quite a few chemicals, that do this. Collectively they are referred to as SPMs or specialized pro-resolving mediators, there are half a dozen of them………….their names are not so important.
NOTE : For the geeks, they include resolvins, protectins, maresins, lipoxins, annexins.
What is important for you to know, is that many of them, are chopped up bits of omega-3 fatty acids.
Chopping up omega 3 fatty acids
Fat cells are capable of chopping up the omega 3 fatty acids to trigger the STOP signal.
But is seems in inflamed fat cells, this process is not running smoothly.
Now there are probably multiple reasons for this dysregulation – most of which YOU can do little about. But there is one thing, you can do, to help improve the levels of SPMs, in your fat cells
Eat more omega 3
Numerous studies suggest SPM levels, are correlated with intake of omega-3 fatty acids.
The more omega-3 fatty acids you eat, the more omega-3s will be found in fat cell membranes. And with more there, when the chopping up happens……… more SPMs will be formed – improving the inflammatory resolving capacity.
Helping dial down the unremitting inflammation and restoring metabolic balance.
Apply the brakes
Metabolic dysregulation is a vicious cycle.
Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids (think fish) and consuming less omega-6 fatty acids(think vegetable oils) in your diet, is one step you can take to “correct” the metabolic imbalance.
NOTE : Where you can, opt for natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids, rather than supplements. Unfortunately a lot of the time, the fatty acids in supplements are a little “damaged” i.e. oxidized – in this state, they create TROUBLE, not SPMS.
Further reading
Tweedle dum and tweedle dee lacked fat cell membrane synergy
Compensatory changes in the composition of the membranes of full fat cells, launches the avalanche of inflammation which causes diseases of obesity.
That “healthy” chicken and mayo sandwich is making you FAT
Odds are, your dietician and doctor, would give your lunch, an A rating, but there is one, small problem with your sandwich…… it’s heavy in omega-6 PUFAs….
The side effects of obesity stopped by omega-3s
By consuming lots of fish, the Yup’ik Eskimo’s are bucking the trend of obesity developing into diabetes and heart disease.