A big tongue is BIGGER. And bigger means it is going to take more effort to lift the tongue out of the way so that the airway remains open while you’re sleeping.
You got the memo. Getting enough sleep is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
So, you climb into bed for your prescribed 8 hours. And as far as you can tell, you spend enough time in dreamland.
But when you awaken in the morning…..
You’re still TIRED. Seriously TIRED.
If you’ve got a big belly, the problem maybe a breathing problem, not a sleeping problem.
It’s called obstructive sleep apnea.
But why does it happen ?
Big bellies don’t have trouble breathing
Unless they’re pinned into a pair of pants, that is too tight…..
Which doesn’t happen at night.
So what is the connection ?
This is the question, a group of researchers from Penn Sleep Centre in Philadelphia, set out to address. They suspected that some big belly owners, also had big tongues…
Going BIG
So they asked a whole bunch of people, with big bellies, if they could measure the size of their tongues.
To accurately determine the size of each tongue, all the volunteers, 121 in total, underwent a high resolution upper airway MRI – using the data collected, a computer programme then calculated the exact size of their tongue.
The team confirmed, it wasn’t big bellies, causing the breathing problems, but big tongues.
Big tongues have trouble breathing
The team found, the bigger the person’s tongue, especially in the retroglossal region, the bigger their breathing problems.
It kind of makes sense.
A big tongue is BIGGER. And bigger means it is going to take more effort to lift the tongue out of the way. Something that is needed to keep the airway open, while sleeping.
So where do BIG TONGUES come from ?
Tongues also put on weight
Big bellies happen……………… when you consume more calories than you need.
Bellies are not the only place where fat cells are located.
You have fat cells, everywhere.
And, when your body has extra calories to store, it can choose to store them anywhere.
Including, your tongue.
Which cupboard to use ?
Your genetics and your hormones, determine which cupboards are used.
So………….. having a big belly does not mean you WILL have a big tongue.
But, the tongue cupboard is seldom the first choice for fat storage, so having a big belly, does increase the odds, that you’ll have a big tongue. Excess calories DO NEED TO BE STORED.
Unfortunately, a big tongue is a health risk.
Anyone for tongue-nastics ?
Understanding the route of the problem – does open up new avenues for treatments, including specialized exercise regimens, to get the tongue into shape. So maybe in the future, you’ll be signing your tongue up for a tongue-nastics class at the gym.
But, until then………….. putting your whole body on a diet, should trim down your tongue, so that your enjoy, restful sleep. Need help getting rid of those extra pounds ? It is easier than you think, discover how to use biology to Tame that out of control Sugar Gremlin and trim down you hips and your tongue.
You may also, want to put on a pair of anti-gravity stockings, to breathe a little easier. 206
Further reading
Activities in BED increase the risk of high blood pressure
Rigorous exercise in bed can give the blood pressure a rise, but it’s the tormented tossing and turning which denies SWS sleep, that really causes BP to climb
Sleeping tablets bring sleep benefits but they don’t bring health benefits
Bad body chemistry ruins your sleep quality, sleeping tablets aren’t able to fix this, they just help you cope a little better by getting a little down time.
If you don’t include this in your diet – you won’t lose fat
You’re on diet, but eating healthy and exercising is time consuming. Something has to give, cutting down on sleep won’t make much difference. Will it ?
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