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Why being overweight in pregnancy matters

It is not so much about the extra kilograms, which make it embarassing to wear a bikini in public – it is the underlying chemistry, that needs to be addressed.
If you’re sporting a few extra pounds – you know it is NOT good for you.
And…………… if you could, you would do something about it.
You’ve tried and failed.
Now, many would tell you, your failure is a sign of a lack of will power. IT IS NOT. Obesity is a biochemical problem, not a psychological problem.
Your so called lack of WILL POWER, is driven by an out of control sugar gremlin.
Sugar gremlins gone crazy
To fight back, you have to Tame your sugar gremlin. The most effective weapons are going to be biological, not psychological. And it will be an on going FIGHT.
Regrettably , sugar gremlins are part and parcel of being human.
They wired into our DNA.
Believe it or not, this is a good thing. In the past, the biggest risk to survival was STARVING. People who couldn’t make a plan in times of food shortages – didn’t make it.
Unfortunately, we live in a different era. We live in times of EXCESS.
Excess calories. Not excess nutrients.
There is a difference.
It takes calories and nutrients
To construct a healthy fully functional body.
Being short on either, during development, necessitates fancy genetic footwork. Since genes themselves can’t be changed, the fancy footwork involves tweaking which genes are turned on and which genes are turned off.
Scientists call this epigenetics – epi (on top) of the genes.
And it is this phenomenon that makes your weight an issue. Your aberrant biology, which goes hand in hand with weight troubles…………… is sending signals to junior.
The survival plan
Unfortunately, the plan leaves a genetic footprint on your baby, that will last a life time.
The safety plan, implemented when you’re overweight is flawed. It leaves your little one, primed for health troubles, specifically, metabolic syndrome. This is what underpins obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc.
It is a vicious cycle……
Your weight troubles are driven by BAD BODY CHEMISTRY.
This bad body chemistry is picked by your baby, as it develops in the womb.
And, your baby reaches into the genetic toolbox – and makes a plan.
A beautiful bouncing baby is born. Perfect on the outside, but running a wonky metabolic programme.
The programme running in the background
The beautiful baby grows up, still running the defective metabolic programme.
At some point, usually early in their lives, much earlier than in generations past, the consequences of this defective programming, manifests.
How ?
Usually with weight problems, which ultimately develop into heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc.
The programme is passed on AGAIN
Along the way, the next generation is conceived – sometimes easily, many times, with great difficulty, since the bad body chemistry associated with being overweight, causes fertility issues.
And……………… the same thing happens to the next generation.
It is a vicious cycle.
This is why YOUR WEIGHT matters.
It is not so much about the extra kilograms, which make it embarassing to wear a bikini in public – it is the underlying chemistry, that needs to be addressed.
And correcting this…………………. is easier than you think.
I did say “correcting” it, “fixing” it, can be difficult, in some cases, impossible – remember, it has been programmed in.
Write a different programme
Correcting it, requires you to tackle the insulin resistance.
There are lots of ways to approach this, you can change your diet and eating behaviours, move more etc. Learn more, by watching this video, which introduces the CANDY FLOSS system.
Further reading
What kind of a switch-athon did your Mom throw you ?
At the time of conception there is a big switch-athon, hundreds of genetic switches are flipped. That switch-athon depends on your Mom’s dietary habits.
Developing baby’s need to see green
The “love” of things NATURAL, is hardwired into the human brain. Young and old, rich and poor benefit from green medicine. So do babes in the womb.
Better body chemistry is the key to saving your marriage
You love your spouse, BUT, there are times when they infuriate you. Everything about them just annoys you. Those feelings of aggression due to biochemistry.
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