Beta cells


Quick summary of the science :

Beta cells are specialized cells, inside the pancreas, that produce, store and release insulin.   Beta cell failure results in a diagnosis of diabetes.  

Preserving beta cell function, should be the goal of anyone with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes

Iron molecules playing around the pancreas

Turning down an iron pump – irons out diabetes

When an iron pump in the pancreas runs full steam for too long, beta cells die and diabetes begins. Turning the pump down, is enough to stop diabetes. 

Beta cell unable to reach the handle to start pumping insulin

Deploying your body’s dustbin men will clean up your health

Your dustbin men sit tight, when you’re insulin resistant. So cleaning up barely happens. Wastes pile up and this has health consequences – diabetes, CVD, NASH

Bacteria giving a baby beta cell some milk

Bacteria help build your pancreas

A pancreas chock full of beta cells is going to be less likely to succumb to diabetes. Genes, lifestyle and …………..BACTERIA shape pancreas development

Insulin pump of he pancreas is broken

Why type 2 diabetes happens

High sugar levels send a requisition to the pancreas for more insulin. Pumping out large quantities of insulin leads to beta cell death causing type 2 diabetes

Beta cell suffering from insomnia

Clock watching uncovers one reason why beta cells fail in diabetes

Pancreatic clocks tick better when spend time in the dark. Unfortunately, being IN THE DARK, doesn’t always happen, light at night is commonplace.

Beta cell dancing underneath a disco ball whilst it pumps out insulin

Avoid gestational diabetes by throwing a roof raising party

To throw the roof raising party, you need lots of serotonin, inside the pancreas. To make serotonin, inside the pancreas, you need the raw ingredients …

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