Use a cloaking device on that bitter broccoli
As a card carrying member of the “Broccoli tastes really really yuck club”, I have a lot of sympathy for those being force fed broccoli, because it is good for you.
Unlike a child, I can at least intellectualize the value of this cruciferous vegetable, as I shovel it in. In fact, it’s cancer fighting prowness, along with its ability to build my immune system, bones etc. is the only reason it even manages to feature on my dinner plate at all.
The broccoli is yuck club
About 70 % of kids belong to the “broccoli tastes really really yuck” club.
The problem is broccoli is very bitter, exactly how bitter, depends on your genes, so for some people, like me, it is really bad, for others it is okay.
Turns out, bitter grows on you – so the more you practice the more acceptable “bitter” becomes, so the percentage of adults in the “broccoli tastes really really yuck” club is significantly lower than 70 %.
NOTE : Kids who were exposed to broccoli during breast feeding got in some early practise, so they often are more broccoli tolerant.
Disguise it
I have already worked out the only way to “enjoy” broccoli” is to hide it.
Researchers from Temple’s Centre for Obesity Research and Education have just released a study which confirms that this is the way to go, if you want junior to swallow it too.
Broccoli training for kids
The research team “taught” 152 pre-school children to do broccoli.
There was no overt pressure to get the kids to eat the broccoli, but by the end of broccoli school, 80 % more broccoli was being consumed.
The training programme took 7 weeks and involved offering broccoli along with a proprietary brand of dip. The dip was able to cloak the pungent flavour, encouraging broccoli consumption.
A broccoli cloaking device
If you want to ease the tension at the dinner table everytime broccoli is on the menu, maybe you should apply a little KlingonÒ technology.
Provide the broccoli along with a flavour cloaking “device”. Try applesauce, hummus , yoghurt or your favourite pre-mixed dip and be persistant. It took 7 weeks to turn the kids in this study on to broccoli.
PS. Maybe you need to also keep reminding everyone that broccoli is really good for you as well, since who are we kidding, broccoli is never going to taste like chocolate.
Kids Won’t Eat Broccoli? Study Suggests Dip Can Soothe Bitter-Sensitive Taste Buds press release from Temple University.
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Further reading
Eating a tub of yogurt or two does change the gut zoo | Organic food is not health food per se | The fat kids are all drinking low fat milk |
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Balance Eicosanoids | Rein in insulin | Dial down stress | Sleep ! | Increase Vit D | Culivate microflora | Think champion |
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