You’re living in A CHEMICAL WORLD and it’s concerning – you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize, most of these environmental chemicals are not healthful, and may in fact be rather harmful.
Especially if they start to accumulate inside you.
Which they seem to do, in many chronic diseases. Diabetics have more arsenic. People with metabolic syndrome have more POPs. Mercury and cadmium levels are higher in people with vascular disease.
Avoiding exposure is going to create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY.
But, they are everywhere. So exposure is unavoidable. And if you’ve been exposed, is there any way to get them out ?
Try a little bathing
No, soap and water is not going to bring them out.
Actually soap adds to our chemical burden, while simultaneously, diminishing our microbial “burden”. And in case you’re not a regular reader of the blog, our microbes are not burdensome per se. The burden comes when they get into trouble.
Your detoxifying bath must be HOT. Stinking HOT.
HOT enough to cause copious amounts of sweating. Or if you’re a lady, perspiring.
This is what a group of researchers discovered when they dug through the scientific literature, looking for ways to remove four up-to-no good, heavy metals.
Arsenic. Cadmium. Lead. And mercury.
For the record
These heavy metals, are not entirely a man made problem – they pop by in soils and water naturally. Not everywhere, in specific geographical areas, they end up leeching out of the rocks, tainting local water and food sources.
Of course, modern living has multiplied our levels of exposure enormously.
At times, this exposure can overwhelm the normal systems, Mother Nature has in place, to clear the body of these toxic heavy metals.
It’s HOT WORK…….
Hot and sweaty
The team found numerous studies, documenting how “sweating it out”, lowers the heavy metal load.
It makes sense…….
Sweating is part of our excretory system, not just the thermoregulatory system. Your body uses sweat as a way to remove wastes.
Now, sweating it out, requires the level of sweating to rise up a notch or two.
You’re always “sweating” a little, if you weren’t, you’d over heat and your skin would be as dry as a bone. If we counted all your sweat glands up, you’d have between 2 to 4 million, across your body – the only body parts, sweat gland free are your lips and your private bits.
Sweating it out, happens when the thermal load on the body, rises.
Steaming up
Your thermal load rises, when you’re working hard, in a warm environment.
You may be working,
- for business e.g. digging, cleaning etc. or
- for pleasure e.g. dancing, running etc. It supposed to be pleasure.
As your body burns fuel, to power your work, heat is generated. The tiny temperature rise, is detected in the brain, this activates heat loss mechanisms.
So sweating begins in earnest, in the eccine (sweat) glands. The squeezing and slurping they do…………sees potassium, urea, ammonia, lactic acid and heavy metals, all being actively excreted.
Sounds like hard work.
OUCH ! Exercising when it’s hot, doesn’t sound like something you want to do….
Steam room please
Of course, physical activity, brings a myriad of other health benefits, but the great news is, you can get all of the benefits of sweating, with none of the HARD WORK, all you need to do, is spend a short time in a steamy sauna.
And if you pump up the volume, turn down the lights and relax into it, it feels GOOD ! Definitely doesn’t feel like HARD WORK.
It’s not a new idea, just a forgotten health practice
Sweating it out, without sweating, is a time honoured practice.
- The Romans had bath houses
- Aboriginal people have sweat lodges
- Scandinavians have saunas
- Turks have Turkish baths
What are you going to have ?
Sweating it out regularly, will help you clean up your act.
NOTE : Just be careful. Don’t over do it. Like most things, getting good at it, requires practice (acclimatization) – start slow and make sure you drink lots of water.
Further reading
Need a thyroid hormone boost ? Get a little hot & sweaty
The warmer your blood, the more thyroxin molecules jump the thyroid binding globulin ship, they then whip your cells into shape, boosting your metabolism.
Want to keep mercury levels down ? Hire some help
Bacteria are chemical wizards – in fact one of their superpowers is that, as a collective, they can eat ANYTHING. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G includes mercury
Clean up your water glass with a sprig of cilantro
Adding a sprig of cilantro to the jug of water on the table, will ensure you clean up the heavy metals, at your next social event .
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