Add protein, fat & Fibre

Just make sure the fat you add is natural – click the button below, to learn more.

Good fats versus bad fats
Iron throwing a curve ball into testosterone's groin causing an ouch

Eating more fat will take care of that oxidative stress problem

The most effective strategy to decrease oxidative stress, is to simply eat less, but starving is not actually required…. burning fat is all that is needed.

hormones in hamburgers

That salad is just lettuce leaves without the right dressing

If you don’t add a little oil to your salad, it really doesn’t taste terribly good, the calorie count is seriously low, but so is the nutrient count ….

fat cell painting testosterone pink

There is more to fullness than the size of your meal

A bowl of high-fat rice pudding, with fewer calories is more satiating than the same size bowl of a high-carbohydrate rice pudding, so fill up on fats…

Testosterone too tired to lift a weight

Eating protein saves your muscles while the fat cells burn

You’ve decided to go on diet to lose some of those extra pounds. You plan to lose the fat, which is creating the somewhat unsightly belly tyre, but will you ?

dad sleeping with baby and an unimpressed testosterone watching from the side

Fat is not the enemy but fried foods are

Frying with fresh oil, has little to no impact on blood pressure, used oil causes blood pressure to increase, significantly…

Testosterone freaked out by the baby in womb

Worming your way to appetite suppression

When there is a worm in the house, your body removes the food, the good news, you don’t need a worm to make this appetite suppression strategy work for you.

Iron throwing a curve ball into testosterone's groin causing an ouch

Broccoli is a sweet treat – seriously

Consuming broccoli, provides your intestinal cells with sweet treats, this makes the cells happy and stops sugar cravings.

hormones in hamburgers

Turn your sugar gremlin green, so it loses its appetite for sugar

Eating green leafy vegetables causes sugar gremlins to turn a little GREEN. And when your sugar gremlin turns green, it is not in the mood for MORE SUGAR.

fat cell painting testosterone pink

The fat kids are all drinking low fat milk

Despite much vocal opposition, you’ve managed to convert the family to low fat milk. But the thin kids aren’t doing low fat, they’re drinking full fat milk

Iron throwing a curve ball into testosterone's groin causing an ouch

Home made fats, not dietary fats are to blame for health troubles

The chemistry of fats is complicated. High fat levels are not because you stacked your plate with butter, meat, cream and eggs – your body made those fats.

hormones in hamburgers

A high fat diet can make you fat, but the fat is not the reason

If you want to make a mouse fat, just feed it MORE FAT. But fat is now not supposed to make you fat, so what gives ? These high fat diets are missing something

fat cell painting testosterone pink

Use peanuts to power gold medal sports performances

It almost sounds like heresy but athletes need extra calories to super charge your performance and the best source of those extra calories is fat not carbs.

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