Salt (NaCl)
Quick summary of the science :
Salt – a staple ingredient in our kitchens, a crucial element in our diets, and a topic of much debate when it comes to health discussions. Often, when people mention salt, they’re thinking about sodium. However, it’s essential to note that salt, chemically known as sodium chloride (NaCl), consists of both sodium and chloride ions. These ions play equally significant roles in body chemistry, with sodium being tightly regulated by our bodies as an essential nutrient.
Historically sodium was in short supply, prompting our bodies to develop mechanisms to preserve this vital substance. Despite salt often bearing the brunt of vilification in modern dietary discussions, it’s important to recognize that it remains an essential nutrient and too little sodium in the body can lead to hyponatremia, a condition that can have serious health consequences if not addressed.
NOTE : Only a small percentage of the population is truly salt-sensitive, experiencing a rise in blood pressure in response to sodium intake
Sodium does cause the blood pressure to rise but mother nature is quite capable of “handling” this rise – provided you’re not salt sensitive
Eat salt, your tongue and your heart, will like it
A low salt diet causes insulin resistance in everyone. Granted in salt sensitive’s, it lowers blood pressure, but more insulin resistance is never heart healthy
The “safe” way to eat salty foods
A bowl of salty soup, will send your blood pressure up. If you’re salt sensitive, this is a reason to worry. But, you can speed up your biology, to avoid the problem…
What does your skin and pickled cucumbers, have in common ?
Skin cells, work closely with the immune cells to keep the border closed. The same techniques humans use, to keep unwanted bacteria out……. THEY PICKLE THEM
Caution – too little salt is a killer
After vigorous exercise rehydrating is important but beware drinking water is replacing the water not the sodium. Too little sodium can also kill
Could your salt intake be making you fat ?
Salty snacks may be acceptable as long as you tame the salt thirst with good old fashioned water but don’t drink too much and be cautious if you have a spare tyre already…..
Salt addiction is triggered by supersensitive taste buds
Salt overloaders / salt addicts, may not be driven by a liking for the taste of salt but by a need to drown out other tastes.
Salt stokes the fires of the belly
H.pylori lives peacefully in the gut but expose it to salt and it turns into a “psychotic” burner causing painful ulcers. Tame that burn by cutting the salt.
Did you know that you have taste buds in your ears ?
The louder the background noise, the more bland the food tastes. So try turning down the stereo if you want to eat less salt !