Skin Health
Quick Summary of the Science :
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It acts as a protective layer between the insides and the rest of the world, helps regulate body temperature, acts as a natural filter and is constantly growing. It’s affected by every aspect of our life, by what we eat and the environment.

The secret to happy healthy skin is NOT found in soaps and lotions
The skin NEEDS a low pH to function at it’s best. Many of the soaps and lotions, we apply to our skin are ALKALINE – these products thus compromise skin health

The secret to happy healthy skin is NOT found in soaps and lotions
Skin cancer is a growing problem, since our ancestors didn’t use sun block, how did they not succumb to damaging UV rays ? Their secret – protective skin residents.

Did our ancestors use sun block ?
Skin cancer is a growing problem, since our ancestors didn’t use sun block, how did they not succumb to damaging UV rays ? Their secret – protective skin residents.

Sugar addicts WILL LOOK OLD before their time
Any time you eat or drink a high carb snack, your sugar level will rise, temporarily – if this happens often enough, you’ll look old before your time

The hot and steamy way to get rid of your mercury
ic, cadmium, lead and mecury are everywhere – so exposure is unavoidable. So when you’ve been exposed, how do you get rid of them, naturally ?

The fountain of youth pumps out tomato puree and carrot soup
The secret to a healthy skin colour is not to bake in the sun for hours BUT in eating tomato puree and carrot soup.

Histidine is an effective dietary work around for a bad filaggrin gene
Histidine supplementation, as a safe, effective and cheap option to quell the itches and ouches, behind leaky skin, caused by a filaggrin mutation.

Did you know skin wrinkles are a sign of bone wrinkles ?
Sagging skin is an outward sign of a collagen short fall. A collagen shortage extends beyond the outlayer to your bones. More wrinkles means less bone.

Want to be the leader of the pack ? Looks count.
So what should a leader look like ? Being tal dark and handsome – will help. But, actually one of the biggest things people look for – is how healthy you look.

What does your skin and pickled cucumbers, have in common ?
Skin cells, work closely with the immune cells to keep the border closed. The same techniques humans use, to keep unwanted bacteria out……. THEY PICKLE THEM
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