Vegetable oils

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  Vegetable oils / seed oils

Quick summary of the science  :

Fats are not created equal. Some fats promote our health positively while others increase our risks of heart disease. The key is to replace bad fats with good fats.  The trouble is, the “good” fats are seen as the  “bad” fats.  Vegetable oils ARE NOT a healthy choice.

Vegetable oils (and margarine) are oils extracted from seeds like the rapeseed (canola oil) soybean (soybean oil), corn, sunflower, safflower,

Olive oil is not considered to be a vegetable oil

Being sedentary i.e. not moving enough, is a big health issue. TV remotes, cars, obesity are all blamed, but the real culprit, might be what you ate for dinner
Margarine is a member of the omega-6 tribe, it creates arachidonic acid which mediates inflammation. But how much is produced depends on your tribe.
Dolphins living among humans, develop metabolic syndrome, since they’re not eating a high carb diet, carbs can’t be blamed. Margaric acid is the problem…
Odds are, your dietician and doctor, would give your lunch, an A rating, but there is one, small problem with your sandwich…… it’s heavy in omega-6 PUFAs….
Substituting vegetable oils for saturated fat, definitely lowers your cholesterol levels. But does this protect your from heart disease ? In a word – NO.
Now, it’s okay to eat fats, as long as they’re “healthy” fats. Which leads to the million dollar question, what are “healthy” fats ?

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