Anatomically speaking, the underarm is close to the breast, so your underarm cosmetic can drift downwards – putting you at an increased risk of breast cancer.
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Antiperspirants versus deodorants
Anatomically speaking, the underarm is close to the breast, so your underarm cosmetic can drift downwards – putting you at an increased risk of breast cancer.
A wet patch under the arm, which then turns into body odour………… is a social killer.
No women wants this.
So, every morning, one of the first items that “goes” on…. is an underarm cosmetic.
Now, these products come in different
- fragrances,
- formats, including roll ons, sprays and powders
- formulations, including deodorants and antiperspirants.
My personal choice is a vanilla scented deodorant spray.
Deodorant versus antiperspirant
Now I use deodorant.
The job of a deodorant is to simply mask the smell.
Which for the record, is NOT actually coming from you, but from the micro-organisms that move in to feast on the “free” food, you’ve so thoughtfully provided, during your sweaty experience.
Unfortunately, I am not genetically “gifted” with the ABCC11 gene SNP, which leaves you smelling like roses, NATURALLY. Wish I was ! Click here to learn more.
I don’t use an antiperspirant.
An antiperspirant is formulated in such away, as to STOP, the sweating.
NOTE : Sweating is GOOD for you : it helps you get rid of a variety of waste products including heavy metals.
Blocks the ducts
The way this is achieved is physical.
The product contains Aluminium in one form or another. It turns out, these Al salts are kind of “big”, big enough, so that when they get together with cellular materials, they form a plug.
That plugs up the sweat ducts…….
Stopping underarm perspiring
Which as you can imagine…………… stops the sweat.
Well, under the arm, it does.
It does still dribble out, just from other “sweat” glands. And for the record, you’re covered in sweat glands.
It’s actually one of your “super powers” as a human… but I digress.
The underarm is connected to…
Now, anatomically speaking, the underarm is close to the breast, specifically the upper outer quadrant. So, Al plugs have the possibility of drifting downward, into the breast tissue.
And, when researchers look in the breast tissue, they do find Aluminium there.
In fact, Aluminium levels are significantly higher in breast tissue, than in blood. And when a women has a diagnosis of breast cancer………….. the levels of aluminium in her nipple aspirate fluid, are double that of “normal”.
Which is kind of ominous…..
Aluminium is a metalloestrogen
Especially when you realize, aluminium is considered to be a metalloestrogen i.e. it is an endocrine disrupting chemical.
Which means, Aluminium can bind to the estrogen receptor and fire it up.
And TOO MUCH estrogen, is often associated with breast cancer.
Does this aluminium cause breast cancer ?
Maybe. Maybe not.
The Aluminium is in the right place. Most breast cancers happen in the upper outer quadrant.
Diagram showing the location of aluminium alongside, the location of breast tumours, in a sample of women from the UK. Copyright 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS
Plus aluminium has been shown to “upset” breast cells grown in a dish…
Human breast epithelial cells exposed to estrogen and aluminium. Copyright 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS
These “upsets” include
- Increased proliferation and
- Decreased adhesive properties and motility
These are both features of cancer…..
But, there aren’t any studies, making the connection.
YET ! Not too many people are actually looking.
But breast cancer, specifically ductal carcinoma, in the upper quadrant of the breast has increased in the last 30 odd years, so has the use of antiperspirants.
No smoke without fire
As with most biological things………… it is complicated.
Some people will be more vulnerable than others.
For example, people with the BRAC mutation, are likely to be less able, to repair any Aluminium derived cell damage.
The point is………… exposing your breast tissue to aluminium is not “necessary”.
Create BETTER BODY CHEMISTRY, by opting to not use an antiperspirant on a routine basis.
Further reading
A simple thing you can do to decrease your risk of breast cancer
You want to decrease the risk of breast cancer, not just detect it early, since being exposed to light at night, ups the risk, be sure to sleep IN THE DARK.
Measuring up your risk of breast cancer
Want quantify your risk of developing postmenopausal breast cancer ? It doesn’t involve any needles, just a little shopping……
The hot and steamy way to get rid of your mercury (and aluminium)
Arsenic, cadmium, lead and mecury are everywhere – so exposure is unavoidable. So when you’ve been exposed, how do you get rid of them, naturally ?