Smoking during pregnancy is a NO-NO. But if you REALLY CAN’T quit, you can mitigate some of the trouble caused by your bad habit, by taking a dose of ….
You’re pregnant and you’re SMOKING. Shame on you………….
Don’t worry, this is not going to be a tirade about why you should quit. You should. But, let’s face it, the nicotine habit is – addicting. Quitting is easier said than done.
So…………… if you REALLY CAN’T, is there anything you can do, to protect your little one from your bad habit ?
The good news is yes.
A group of researchers from Oregon Health and Science University have uncovered, a relatively easy “fix”, that pregnant smokers can deploy, to mitigate the deleterious effects that smoking has on a baby’s lung function.
The “fix”………….
Just take extra vitamin C
The team recruited pregnant smokers from around town. The women were divided into one of two groups :
- Group 1, puffed their way through their pregnancy. 90 Moms did this.
- Group 2, puffed as well, but these ladies, also swallowed a vitamin C pill (500 mg) each day. 89 Moms did this.
When the baby’s popped out – the team assessed the lung function of all the newborns, within 72 hours of birth.
The team found, babies who got extra vitamin C……
Breathing easier
At birth. Both the TPTEF:TE (ratio of the time to peak tidal expiratory flow to expiratory time) and passive respiratory compliance per kilogram test, were significantly better in the babies whose Mom’s had taken the vitamin C.
Plus, along the way to their first birthday – on going monitoring, showed these babies, were less likely to be wheezers.
The team speculate, the better breathing at birth, will mean better breathing for life.
So if can’t be a non-smoker during your pregnancy…….
Be a C-smoker
Add lots of vitamin C to your day.
NOTE : One of the reasons, smoking causes health troubles, is it creates oxidative stress. The benefit of vitamin C, it is a powerful natural anti-oxidant.
Further reading
Oranges at half time help little athletes breathe easier
If exercise tends to leave you breathless – try creating better body chemistry with an extra helping of vitamin C.
Fumigate your lungs with a little vitamin D bug spray
The lungs are equipped to handle potential intruders, the fumigation process depends on getting enough of the sunshine vitamin….
Before birth exposure to fish oil scores game, set and match
Supplementing with fish oil in the second half of pregnancy helps create a highly co-ordinated chatter box two year old. This is an advantage, I promise.
If you are an expectant Mom or know someone that is – invite them to participate, so they can create Better Body Chemistry during their pregnancy and raise a HAPPY HEALTHY little one.