Discover how a novel treatment could cure insulin resistance, reshaping diabetes care forever
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Evicting the Culprit: How Removing Iron “CURES” insulin resistance
Discover how a novel treatment could cure insulin resistance, reshaping diabetes care forever
What if type 2 diabetes is not a sugar problem but an iron problem ?
Iron metabolism IS dysregulated
Iron metabolism is definitely dysregulated in someone who is metabolically challenged. This often manifests as shortage in the circulation and key tissues such as the heart, while at the same time iron excess impacts the functioning and health of other organs.
The pancreas and liver are especially vulnerable.
Inside iron is the problem
It’s the free iron INSIDE the cells that is the problem.
Because iron does chemistry.
It’s meant to be helpful but can be down right harmful, when free iron levels rise too high because they’re not being properly “managed”.
Stopping the iron is possible
There are ways to GO AFTER THE iron pharmacologically, this is what iron chelators do this. The problem is, for the most part, the iron they go after is the iron on the outside, but this is not the problem iron, free iron inside cells is creating the drama.
And this free iron inside cells is largely UNTOUCHABLE.
Well, it has been up until now…..
An iron chelating revolution
But some very clever chemistry has created an option to target inside iron, not just outside iron. It’s based on the idea of a push-pull reaction. And involves a tweak to a widely used iron chelator known as desferrioxamine (DFO for short).
Now the problem with DFO is it is the wrong shape……… it doesn’t readily cross cell membranes, so it doesn’t get inside cells. But, if you stick “something” onto the DFO, you can change it’s shape.
Zinc laden little BALLS
Binding Zinc ions to it, turns it into a little ball, and as a ball, it’s able to get inside cells.
Now the zinc ions are happy to hitch a ride on DFO, into cells, but once they get inside, it’s play time. They hop off and free iron ions hop on.
Iron laden little BALLS
The iron loaded DFO retains “the ball shape”, and is able to exit the cell…………
Taking the “trouble making” iron, with it.
These new fangled DFO molecules are referred to as Zygosids®. And here comes the interesting part, treating diabetic sand rats with Zygosids “cured” them of insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance CURED
A few days of Zygosid® treatment, saw sugar levels returned to normal. This is seen below. We are looking at the results for two different doses of the Zygosid®. The 6mg/kg dose performed marginally better, than the 2 mg/kg dose.
Effect of treatment of the diabetic sand rats with Zygosid-50 and gallium-desferrioxamine (Ga-DFO) on blood glucose level Copyright 2024 Korean Diabetes Association
The Zygosid® treatment also brought insulin levels back into the normal healthy range.
Effect of treatment of the diabetic sand rats with Zygosid-50 and gallium-desferrioxamine (Ga-DFO) on serum insulin levels. Copyright 2024 Korean Diabetes Association
In fact, the figure below shows that in approx. 30 days, the animals went from being insulin resistant (HOMA-IR score around 70) to insulin sensitive. IMPRESSIVE !
Effect of treatment of the diabetic sand rats with Zygosid-50 and gallium-desferrioxamine (Ga-DFO) on insulin resistance. Copyright 2024 Korean Diabetes Association
NOTE : Bariatric surgery which “cures” type 2 diabetes, improves sugar levels within days, but actually takes months to improve insulin sensitivity.
Let’s put Zygosids® in the water………
Not so fast.
Zygosids® are not ready for prime time
The research team are working on testing it’s efficacy and safety in humans and dreaming that this will be the answer, they’re still in the very early stages of this process.
And the first “go” at giving it to humans hit a major snag, which has sent the drug developers back to the drawing board.
Screen shot of report appearing on drug developers website.
It will be years before we know one way or the other.
No worries…
This is science you can use, TODAY. This research suggests inside IRON is involved in the pathology of type 2 diabetes.
So you need to be thinking beyond sugar.
In addition to sugar, you need to be your iron status on your radar. But the good news is, iron is a lever you have “some” ability to pull. You want to ensure you have enough iron to do the things, but NOT TOO MUCH !
WARNING : Iron’s biology is complicated and nuanced.
The easiest place to start……….
DON’T take an iron supplement, when you don’t need it, is not a wise precaution – it’s potentially a health liability. And do what you can to REIN IN INSULIN. Unfortunately, insulin’s “sees” iron as a grocery and contributes to both shortages and iron excess. This is not so easy to do. CANDY FLOSSing will be a good place to start. Learn more about CANDY FLOSSING here and here.
For all things iron related, visit the Iron Library page.
Further reading
Iron loaded macrophages are the real villains in heart disease
Plaques in artery walls are not just cholesterol build up—disadvantaged macrophages play a pivotal role in atherosclerosis. And you have the power to put an end to their shortcoming
The STRESS of being insulin resistant
We all intuitively KNOW, being STRESSED OUT, is not good for health. But the stress that should be on our radar, is not psychological, it’s physiological
Why tough times call for INSULIN RESISTANCE
Insulin resistance is a clever strategy, to survive TOUGH TIMES. The low grade inflammation associated with insulin resistance is a sign of TOUGH TIMES.